Exercises for men … How to match training to body type?

Defining the goal is one thing. The second is the way it is implemented. It depends to a large extent on your “design”. Perhaps while searching for training tips, you have come across the following terms: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph. They define the type of body structure according to the typology developed by the American psychologist and physician William Sheldon. It has gained considerable popularity and works well in practice to a large extent.

So how to practice…

Of the people who aim  to gain muscle, ectomorphs are in the most difficult position. They are characterized by a slim and even petite figure, relatively small muscle mass and a high metabolic rate. Ectomorphs rarely struggle with the hypertrophy of adipose tissue (if they do, it usually occurs in the form of a “tire”), but they have a lot of problems with muscle development. Therefore, in their case, the approach to training should look different than in the case of endomorphs.

The latter are people with more massive shapes and a strong physique. They are prone to the accumulation of body fat. It is easier for them to develop muscles, but it is more difficult to sculpt them (they are hidden under a layer of fat). Mesomorphs, who are “in the middle”, are in the best situation. In their case, developing an athletic figure – both muscular and fat-free – is the easiest.

But beware! Do not try to force yourself into any of these groups. Many people are somewhere in between and combine the properties of two types. That is why it is so important to have an individual approach to training, and in case of doubt – to consult a trainer and dietician.

Since ectomorphs are more interested in gaining mass, and endomorphs are more interested in losing excess fat and sculpting muscle, let’s discuss two types of training tailored to the needs of people from both groups.

Bodyweight Mass Training

Skinny people who want to gain weight should focus on strength training. This means working with heavy loads with few repetitions. They don’t have to be barbells and dumbbells. There are a number of exercises using your own body weight that are difficult for many “packers”.

The simplest example is pull-ups. Not many guys are able to do ten full pull-ups with a wide arm spacing. By changing the position of your arms or legs or the position of your whole body, you can also effectively make it difficult to perform ordinary push-ups. If you find this exercise trivial, check how much you can do:

  • Indian push-ups,
  • diamond pumps,
  • push-ups with a clap behind the back during the take-off
  • or push-ups on one hand.

It will certainly not be as easy as in the case of classic push-ups.

Exercises can be made even more difficult by the use of various accessories, such as rubber bands or expanders. Kettlebells will also work well in strength training  – weights with a wide range of applications, which are worth getting for regular exercise.

In mass training, it is crucial to stimulate as many muscles as possible. It is not only about harmonious development, but also about the fact that the involvement of many muscle groups – as opposed to “targeted” exercises, such as dumbbell bipolar presses – stimulates testosterone production. This male sex hormone is essential for the effective development of muscles.

Trainings should be intense, but within reason – so that they do not lead to injury. A single session should last about 60 minutes. Before training, you need to take care of the warm-up, and after – stretching all the muscle groups that you have been bothering during exercise.

The optimal number of sessions for strength training is 3-4 per week. Take care of proper regeneration between sessions. It will be ensured by sleep (the indicated amount is about 8 hours a day) and a proper diet. Ectomorphs are recommended to have a positive energy balance with a surplus of 1000 kcal and to eat up to 6-7 meals a day. You also need to remember about a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates.

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